Traffic Control Plans

MVE has experience in developing traffic control plans on major project involving…
Construction Management(CE&I)

In addition to construction engineering, we have a strong staff of construction inspectors ready to serve…
Hydraulics & Hydrology

MVE has experience in the analysis and design of drainage projects for new construction and rehabilitation projects. This includes…
Municipal Engineering

Texas cities and counties are growing at a record pace. We work with our municipal clients to support…
Bridges and Retaining Walls

Core staff have been together in three decades… and have built a professional design practice that rivals…

Our experience includes feasibility and alternatives analysis and design and production of construction plans. Our professionals have…
Bridge Street Bikeway/Pedestrian Improvements

Bridge Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Improvements Fort Worth, Texas This project consisted of 2 miles of trail development along Bridge Street from Oakland Blvd to Loop 820 to improve the pedestrian traffic and provide for hick and bike activities along this major corridor in east Fort Worth. This project included the design of barrier-free […]
Cotton Belt Hike & Bike Trail Conversion

Cotton Belt TrailCity of Waco The project consisted of converting an abandoned Cotton Belt Railroad right-of-way into a hike/bike trail. The 2.5 mile long trail extends from a new residential development at the west end to the City’s landfill which is planned to be converted to a park at the east end. Trailheads are […]
Cypress Waters Trail – Bicycle/Pedestrian

Cypress Waters TrailBicycle/Pedestrian Facility ImprovementsDallas County 1.5 miles of 14-foot-wide bicycle and pedestrian trail adjacent to North Lake and 10’ sidewalk along Olympus Blvd, as an extension of the Cypress Waters Trail master plan in the City of Coppell. Utilizing federal funding from TxDOT and traversing through private property in the City of Dallas. This […]
Plano Transit Village Veloweb

Plano Transit Village VelowebCity of Plano This project consisted of approximately one mile of pedestrian/bike trail beginning at the Westbound Frontage Road of PGBT continuing north in the DART R.O.W. to 12th St and then winding through to the cul-de-sac of 12th Place. The project included all alignment design for the trail, associated drainage design, […]