
Cypress Waters Trail
Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Improvements
Dallas County

1.5 miles of 14-foot-wide bicycle and pedestrian trail adjacent to North Lake and 10’ sidewalk along Olympus Blvd, as an extension of the Cypress Waters Trail master plan in the City of Coppell. Utilizing federal funding from TxDOT and traversing through private property in the City of Dallas.

This Dallas County-led project required strict coordination with all vested public and private parties to ensure the schedule is maintained and the project stayed within the budget. Prepared 3D model to ensure that proposed improvements would not encroach on the proposed lake surface. Trail design is being completed in accordance with TxDOT standards, AASHTO Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Edition, NCTCOG, and City of Dallas Hydraulic Design Manual. The project is currently in the 90% design phase and is on schedule to be delivered in February 2021.

Special Experiences related to the design of Cypress waters Trail are: