MVE is uniquely qualified to handle any structural engineering problem. Core staff have been together in three decades, starting at a national firm in the early 1990’s, and have built a professional design practice that rivals any structural engineering firm in Texas. Their experience includes Boston’s “Big Dig” and for Syed, the Loma Prieta Caltrans bridge retrofits in northern California. From that deep well of experience came solutions to current problems like how to build the depressed LBJ Express Lanes in lieu of the previously planned tunnel.
MVE has provided design and details for many major structures in North Texas. Richard brings structural experience along with major roadway and freeway design that compliments any bridge or retaining wall problem a client may face. No matter how large or small, roadway or transit, TxDOT or municipal, MVE has the experience to tackle any structural project that comes its way.
MVE also has significant bridge rehabilitation and retrofit experience, ranging from its considerable field engineering problem solving on rapid design-build projects with major time constraints and financial pressures to its work on the historic Lancaster Ave bridge over the Clear Fork of the Trinity River. We are a leading structural engineering firm in Texas.