Silver Creek Road Improvements
Brewer HS to City Limit
Fort Worth, Texas
Silver Creek Road is an arterial serving Brewer High School and a rather large developing area in North West Fort Worth. The project included approximately 2.6 miles of Roadway Realignment/Reconstruction with extensive drainage improvements and water line relocation/adjustments in an industrial and residential setting. The project also included the design of a Roundabout where the future Academy Boulevard (another major arterial in NW Fort Worth) will tie into Silver Creek Road.
Silver Creek Material Company is located along this stretch of Silver Creek Road, which generates a high volume of heavy truck traffic. Auxiliary lanes were added to accommodate the necessary turning movements for the truck traffic to and from the site safely.
Other challenges were designing a portion of this roadway that was within the designated flood plain and also the development of a Traffic Control Plan to accommodate the traffic during the construction since there were no viable detour options to close the road during construction. All design was accomplished by complying with the City of Fort Worth Design Criteria Manual.
MV Engineering completed the following tasks:
- Prepared preliminary horizontal and vertical alignment to identify utility conflicts.
- Prepared construction plans and profiles, including typical sections, drainage structures, retaining walls, and utility relocations.
- Provided exhibits and supporting documents for several right-of-way and easement acquisitions.
- Provided exhibits and handouts for the public meetings and supported staff during the meetings.
- Prepared construction cost estimates, specifications, and bid documents. Tabulated and reviewed the bids for accuracy, determined the lowest responsive bidder, and recommended awarding the contract.
- Provided construction management support to the City staff during the construction