Bridge Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Improvements
Fort Worth, Texas
This project consisted of 2 miles of trail development along Bridge Street from Oakland Blvd to Loop 820 to improve the pedestrian traffic and provide for hick and bike activities along this major corridor in east Fort Worth. This project included the design of barrier-free ramps, pedestrian rail, and sidewalk bridges for cross drainage. To ensure that all public needs were met, we conducted Strategic Planning and extensive public outreach to secure buy-in from the stakeholders. MV Engineering scope of services included a survey of existing R.O.W. set the alignment and ramp layouts and ADA requirement confirmation in preparation for TDLR review.
MV Engineering completed the following tasks: Prepared preliminary horizontal and vertical alignment to identify utility conflicts. Prepared construction plans and profiles, including typical sections, drainage structures, retaining walls, and utility relocations. Provided exhibits and supporting documents for several right-of-way and easement acquisitions. Provided exhibits and handouts for the public meetings and supported staff during the meetings. Submit the plans for TDLR review and amend plans to comply with their comments. Prepared construction cost estimates, specifications, and bid documents. Tabulated and reviewed the bids for accuracy, determined the lowest responsive bidder, and recommended awarding the contract. Provided construction management support to the City staff.